First day of college

 As it sounds ,how do you wonder your first day should be ..

When I think of it ,i assumed that my first day in the college would be like new beginning in the chapter of my life.

This saying itself give me goosebumps...

I thought that everyone would be with big big smiling face welcoming us , alot of new friends and with lot of promise takings ...

But it seems it was entirely different of what I thought ..

For us when we think of college ,the name itself gives you two aspects ,either the life shown in student of the year or the life show in hospital (playlist) that is always studying...

  The name itself shows that we no more are kids ,we are now grown ups who have entered in the era of experiencing this whole new world and and apply the knowledge we have gained so far and to learn even more...

Here we are exposed to every type of students be it weak or topper or maybe in transition phase 

Talking about my first day ,firstly to me it appeared time passing in just few blinks ...I entered the main area ,saw so many students with so many intentions and goals going in their minds ,the young energy everything .

We were taken to auditorium for orientation which lasted for more than a week .we were introduced with faculties ,course and about the life we are going ,it was like a trailer of the entire film.

To me some things were new ,some were odds ,and some were expected but I enjoyed .why it was unexpected for me ?

The answer is because I thought I would get a time to start my life as a new ,with new people ,new habits,new line ...     As if for now there would be no restrictions,I would be able to find a new face of mine ...

But it is not always what you want ,it is always you need to accept and face it ...

I am facing it , lets see where does it takes


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