Teenage intro



TEENAGE, Basically the age where you end all your childhood things and began to think alot more than your feelings ,about others and for others .Sometimes it is difficult for an individual because the one who had no understandings of the worlds now began to care about it and for it . It may not be necessarily difficult for everyone ,but still  not joyful for everyone  as well!!

                  there are lot of mixed emotions and feelings about it . I believe it is the stage where people expect you to behave like mature while being a child .There are lot of  emotional and mental ups and down but one who manages to handle and tackle the situation wisely and with proper guidance of parents ,friends and teachers can overcome it wisely ! there are also people who  came out with even better consequences and experiences . No doubt  it  was our  golden time as we  have all the factors energy , creativity and time to learn different skills .it totally depends on individual upon how they use it .At last we have all gone through that phase and have been with lots of ups and down and it was our way to reach out the situation and learn from problems, difficulties and people which  has made the person of present !!😁  .

                                                                THANK YOU 


  1. This is the time to align your priorities according to your needs rather than sabotaging them for following the trend. This time will never come back and believe me you don't wanna look back at it with regrets. Please make lots of friends and if possible a bae too😊.


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